- 来源:
- 日期: 2023-02-21
STM32F407VET6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103C8T6 LQFP48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103RCT6 LQFP64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TMS320F28335PGFA LQFP176 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F429IGT6 QFP176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743VIT6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F407VGT6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
DS90UB947TRGCRQ1 VQFN64 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F405RGT6 LQFP ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
O3853QDCARQ1 HTSSOP-48 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCV7321D12R2G SOP8 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
VNH7040AYTR SSOP-36 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S003F3P6 TSSOP20 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F429IIT6 LQFP176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS7A1633QDGNRQ1 MSOP-8 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F030C8T6 LQFP-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
VNH5050ATR-E HSSOP36 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
LM73606QRNPRQ1 WQFN-30 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9031RNXIA QFN48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S003F3P6TR TSSOP20 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
MCF5282CVM66 BGA256 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9031RNXIC QFN-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103VET6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F407ZGT6 LQFP144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743ZIT6 LQFP144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS54160DGQR MSOP10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
L9369-TR LQPF-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743IIT6 LQFP-144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA328P-AU LQFP Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2TQG144C LQFP-144 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE15F23C8N FBGA484 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
5M240ZM68C5N BGA-68 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE10F17I7N BGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE40F23C8N BGA484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE6F17C8N BGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-2CSG324I CSPBGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
DSPIC33EP512MU810-I/PT TQFP-100 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7K325T-2FFG900I FFG-900 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE55F23I7N FBGA-484 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPCS16SI8N SOP-8 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EN6337QI QFN38 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS7B7702QPWPRQ1 HTSSOP-16 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ADS124S08IPBSR TQFP-32 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS546D24RVFR LQFN-CLIP-40 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS40170RGYR VQFN-20 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS26600PWPR HTSSOP-16 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-3CSG324I CSPBGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XCF02SVOG20C TSSOP-20 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX16-2FTG256C FBGA-256 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9897RTXI TQFP-128-EP Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCP3230MNTXG QFN-40 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TMS320LF2407APGEA TQFP-144 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-2FGG484C BGA-484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270T144C5N TQFP144 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM2210F256I5N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE75F23I7N FBGA484 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2CSG225C BGA-225 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE22F17C8N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2CSG324C BGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCP45560IMNTWG-H DFN-12 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
5M240ZT100I5N TQFP-100 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7Z020-2CLG400I CSPBGA-400 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ADUM1402ARWZ SOIC-16 ADI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3352BZCZD60 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE115F29C8N FBGA-780 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC297TP-128F300N LFBGA-292 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC233L-32F200F TQFP100 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS26630RGER VQFN-24 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE15F17C8N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
10M16SAU169C8G BGA169 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270T144I5N TQFP144 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7A200T-2FBG484I FCBGA-484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC387QP-160F300SAE LQFP176 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC1782F-320F180HRBA LQFP176 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
PIC18F46K22-I/PT TQFP-44 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA328PB-AU TQFP-32 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F446RCT6 LQFP-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SN74AVC32T245ZKER LFBGA-96 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPSM82822SILR USIP-10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F100C8T6B LQFP-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F767IGT6 LQFP-176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7K325T-2FFG676I FFG-676 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
MIMX8MM6DVTLZAA LFBGA-486 NXP NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATSAMA5D31A-CU BGA-324 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
LMX2572RHAR VQFN-40 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
S912ZVLA64F0MLF LQFP-48 NXP NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3352BZCZA100 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
10CL025YU256I7G UBGA-256 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F302R8T6 LQFP-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SN74LVC1G123DCUR VSSOP-8 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S105K6T6C LQFP-32 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
PIC32MX795F512H-80I/PT TQFP-64 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3359BZCZA80 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270F256C5N 256FBGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
FDMQ8205A WDFN ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XTR111AIDGQR MSOP-10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XTR300AIRGWR VQFN-20 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2FTG256C BGA-256 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
BTS4142N SOT-223 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TLE9263BQX PG-VQFN-48 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA48PA-AU TQFP-32 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F207VCT6 LQFP-100_ ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F051C8T6 LQFP-48_ ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ8895MQXI PQFP-128_ Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS57140QDGQRQ1 MSOP-10EP TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
IRPS5401MTRPBF QFN-56 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103C8T6 LQFP48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103RCT6 LQFP64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TMS320F28335PGFA LQFP176 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F429IGT6 QFP176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743VIT6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F407VGT6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
DS90UB947TRGCRQ1 VQFN64 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F405RGT6 LQFP ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
O3853QDCARQ1 HTSSOP-48 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCV7321D12R2G SOP8 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
VNH7040AYTR SSOP-36 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S003F3P6 TSSOP20 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F429IIT6 LQFP176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS7A1633QDGNRQ1 MSOP-8 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F030C8T6 LQFP-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
VNH5050ATR-E HSSOP36 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
LM73606QRNPRQ1 WQFN-30 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9031RNXIA QFN48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S003F3P6TR TSSOP20 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
MCF5282CVM66 BGA256 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9031RNXIC QFN-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F103VET6 LQFP100 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F407ZGT6 LQFP144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743ZIT6 LQFP144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS54160DGQR MSOP10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
L9369-TR LQPF-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32H743IIT6 LQFP-144 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA328P-AU LQFP Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2TQG144C LQFP-144 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE15F23C8N FBGA484 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
5M240ZM68C5N BGA-68 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE10F17I7N BGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE40F23C8N BGA484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE6F17C8N BGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-2CSG324I CSPBGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
DSPIC33EP512MU810-I/PT TQFP-100 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7K325T-2FFG900I FFG-900 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE55F23I7N FBGA-484 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPCS16SI8N SOP-8 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EN6337QI QFN38 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS7B7702QPWPRQ1 HTSSOP-16 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ADS124S08IPBSR TQFP-32 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS546D24RVFR LQFN-CLIP-40 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS40170RGYR VQFN-20 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS26600PWPR HTSSOP-16 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-3CSG324I CSPBGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XCF02SVOG20C TSSOP-20 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX16-2FTG256C FBGA-256 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ9897RTXI TQFP-128-EP Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCP3230MNTXG QFN-40 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TMS320LF2407APGEA TQFP-144 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX45-2FGG484C BGA-484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270T144C5N TQFP144 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM2210F256I5N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE75F23I7N FBGA484 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2CSG225C BGA-225 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE22F17C8N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2CSG324C BGA-324 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
NCP45560IMNTWG-H DFN-12 ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
5M240ZT100I5N TQFP-100 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7Z020-2CLG400I CSPBGA-400 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ADUM1402ARWZ SOIC-16 ADI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3352BZCZD60 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE115F29C8N FBGA-780 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC297TP-128F300N LFBGA-292 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC233L-32F200F TQFP100 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS26630RGER VQFN-24 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EP4CE15F17C8N BGA256 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
10M16SAU169C8G BGA169 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270T144I5N TQFP144 ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7A200T-2FBG484I FCBGA-484 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC387QP-160F300SAE LQFP176 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SAK-TC1782F-320F180HRBA LQFP176 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
PIC18F46K22-I/PT TQFP-44 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA328PB-AU TQFP-32 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F446RCT6 LQFP-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SN74AVC32T245ZKER LFBGA-96 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPSM82822SILR USIP-10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F100C8T6B LQFP-48 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F767IGT6 LQFP-176 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC7K325T-2FFG676I FFG-676 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
MIMX8MM6DVTLZAA LFBGA-486 NXP NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATSAMA5D31A-CU BGA-324 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
LMX2572RHAR VQFN-40 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
S912ZVLA64F0MLF LQFP-48 NXP NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3352BZCZA100 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
10CL025YU256I7G UBGA-256 INTEL NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F302R8T6 LQFP-64 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
SN74LVC1G123DCUR VSSOP-8 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM8S105K6T6C LQFP-32 ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
PIC32MX795F512H-80I/PT TQFP-64 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
AM3359BZCZA80 NFBGA-324 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
EPM1270F256C5N 256FBGA ALTERA NEW and Original,OK to Sell
FDMQ8205A WDFN ON NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XTR111AIDGQR MSOP-10 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XTR300AIRGWR VQFN-20 TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
XC6SLX9-2FTG256C BGA-256 XILINX NEW and Original,OK to Sell
BTS4142N SOT-223 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TLE9263BQX PG-VQFN-48 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
ATMEGA48PA-AU TQFP-32 Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F207VCT6 LQFP-100_ ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
STM32F051C8T6 LQFP-48_ ST NEW and Original,OK to Sell
KSZ8895MQXI PQFP-128_ Microchip NEW and Original,OK to Sell
TPS57140QDGQRQ1 MSOP-10EP TI NEW and Original,OK to Sell
IRPS5401MTRPBF QFN-56 Infineon NEW and Original,OK to Sell
Customer Email: hito@hitotrade.com Skype:+8615989434812 Tel:+86 075582522995 |
Address: 2406 Electronics Technology Bldg A,Shennan Zhong Rd.,Futian Dist.,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China WeChat:+8615989434812 QQ:2355661229 |